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Aeronautic Division   

Space Division   

Target Areas














Aeronautics Division (Aircrew and Air Traffic Control)

Staff selection and training are particularly important in the field of aeronautics as some 70% of all flying accidents are caused by human error. The increasing computerization and automation in the fields of aviation and air traffic control has led to a change in the distribution of roles between humans and engineering systems. Although new technologies have brought about a change in the professional requirements of pilots and air traffic controllers, at their actual place of work their main task will, as ever, involve bearing the responsibility for the entire system and thus ensuring the reliability and safety of air traffic. Automatic control and monitoring systems as well as different forms of information transfer can make this task considerably easier; however, they still do require an essential personal involvement changing from pure operational demands to a high degree of systems management.

In order to prepare pilots and ATC staff for this new situation, special effort has to be invested in psychological aptitude assessment and in behavioural training. Apart from having to process information at a high level of abstraction, personality factors are becoming increasingly important professional criteria for operational staff, as well as the non-technical skills. These include decision-making and problem-solving in situations involving high stress, clear communication and cooperative team management. PC technologies are becoming more and more common when devising new evaluation methods for aerospace psychology as they enable aptitude assessment and training to be designed more precisely and economically than has previously been the case.

The findings of the DLR research related to selection and training can be directly implemented in practice. Continuous scientific research and development activity guarantee the high quality of the work carried out at DLR and ensure that consideration is given to the latest trends in aeronautical technology and changing requirements for operational staff.












Space Division

Selection and training of operational personnel (scientific astronauts) is also of prime importance in this division. Since 1977 DLR has been carrying out the selection procedure and team training courses for space missions.
- 2 national missions D1 and D2 (1981 and 1987): scientific astronauts
- 2 ESA selections: 1977 and 1991;
- 1 MIR mission with German involvement through DLR
Since 1977 scientific activities have concentrated on the effects of the space environment on the state and mental performance of astronauts. Three missions contained investigations and experiments from or involving DLR: Mir'92 (1992), MIR'92E (1994/1995; 14-month stay in space. World record!) and MIR'97 (1997).

See also DLR astronaut training centre.











Target areas/Branches of research

The Department of Aviation and Space Psychology at DLR is involved in many areas of research. Current research is taking place in the following areas:

Selection and training of aviation personnel

- aptitude assessment: development and optimization of methods
One special area of research at the Department of Aviation and Space Psychology is developing and optimizing methods of occupational psychology for determining the potential of applicants. In the medium term the main objectives are focused on expanding and optimizing the behaviour-related personality diagnostics and the computer-assisted aptitude tests. The success of these measures is monitored in regular validation studies.

- personnel development: human factors training
About 70% of all flying accidents in commercial jet transport can be attributed to crew error. Main causes of accidents due to human error can be traced to shortcomings in information exchange, interpersonal interaction, decision-making and psychological stress resistance. This is why in the early nineties Deutsche Lufthansa AG and the DLR Department of Aviation and Space Psychology developed a crew resource management training scheme. This was then developed further by Deutsche Lufthansa and optimized to meet individual company requirements. Current focus in the field of personnel development is mainly on developing assessment procedures for non-technical skills and evaluating training courses.

- Intercultural transfer
DLR has been establishing pilot selection systems on behalf of Deutsche Lufthansa AG in both the People's Republic of China and on Taiwan in order to determine the professional aptitude of young applicants. The difficulty lies in transferring psychological aptitude tests developed in Germany to a different cultural and linguistic environment. Extensive research thus determines which sub-processes are affected in order to implement appropriate adaptations and modifications.
Other international experience include psychological assessments in Austria, Spain, Switzerland, Somalia, Cameroun, India, and Cuba.
DLR testing facilities outside Hamburg have been set up in
- Jakarta, Indonesia, run by the Indonesian Airforce
- Zurich, Switzerland, run by the Swiss Air Force
- Zurich, Switzerland, run by the Swiss Air Traffic Control 'Skyguide'
- Amman, Jordan, hosted by Royal Jordanian but run by DLR staff.
The testing facility in Amman offers other airlines in the Middle East a convenient option to use our expertise outside Germany.
A mobile test equipment has been developed for applications world wide ('Global Testing System').







Major publications since 1998

Höft, Stefan (2007): Die Bindungswirkung von Unternehmenspraktika im Rahmen des Hochschulmarketings: Affektives Commitment als endogene und exogene Variable. Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, 21 (1), Rainer Hampp
Verlag, S. 5 - 21, ISSN 0179-6437

Johannes, Bernd; Salnitski, Vyacheslas; Rauch, Melina; Goeters, Klaus-Martin; Maschke, Peter; Stelling, Dirk; Eißfeldt, Hinnerk (2007): Performance assessment in flight simulator test - Validation of a space psychology methodology. Acta Astronautica, 60, Elsevier, S. 379 - 382

Lorenz, Bernd; Biella, Marcus; Teegen, Uwe; Stelling, Dirk; Wenzel, Jürgen; Jakobi, Jörn; Ludwig, Thomas; Korn, Bernd (2006): Performance, situation awareness, and visual scanning of pilots receiving onboard taxi navigation support during simulated airport surface operation. Human Factors and Aerospace Safety

Höft, Stefan (2006): Editorial zum Themenheft "Assessment Center: Fundierte
Lösungen für Personalauswahl und -entwicklung". Fischer, Lorenz; Gros, Eckhard; Wehner, Theo [Hrsg.]: Wirtschaftspsychologie, 8 (4), Pabst Science, S. 3 - 4, ISSN 16157729

Höft, Stefan; Lüth, Nina (2006): Ein computerbasiertes Trainingstool für Assessment-Center-Beobachter. Fischer, Lorenz; Gros, Echkhard; Wehner, Theo [Hrsg.]: Wirtschaftspsychologie, 4 (8), Pabst Science Publisher, S. 40 - 47, ISSN

Neubauer, Rainer; Höft, Stefan (2006): Standards der Assessment-Center-Technik - Version 2004 - Überblick und Hintergrundinformationen. Fischer, Lorenz; Gros, Echkhard; Wehner, Theo [Hrsg.]: Wirtschaftspsychologie, 4
(8), Pabst Science Publisher, S. 77 - 82, ISSN 1615-7729

Marcus, Bernd; Höft, Stefan; Riediger, Michaela (2006): Integrity Tests and the Five-Factor Model of personality: A review and empirical test of two alternative positions. Salgado, Jesus; Ones, Deniz [Hrsg.]: International Journal of Selection and Assessment, Blackwell Publishing, S. 113 - 130, ISSN 0965-075X

Muck, Peter; Höft, Stefan; Hell, Benedikt; Schuler, Heinz (2006): Die Konstruktion eines berufsbezogenen Persönlichkeitsfragebogens. Diagnostica, 52 (2), Hogrefe Verlag, S. 76 - 87, DOI 10.1026/0012-1924.52.2.76

Höft, Stefan (2005): Assessment Center-Forschung und -Praxis: Zwei getrennte Welten? Kleinmann, Martin; Schuler, Heinz; Sonntag, Karlheinz [Hrsg.]: Zeitschrift für Personalpsychologie, 4 (4), Hogrefe, S. 147 - 150, DOI 10.1026/1617-6391.4.4.147, ISSN 1617-6391

Höft, Stefan; Schümann-Sen, Mitra; Maschke, Peter (2005): Peer-Urteile in einem Assessment Center zur Personalauswahl. Kleinmann, Martin; Schuler, Heinz; Sonntag, Karlheinz [Hrsg.]: Zeitschrift für Personalpsychologie, 4 (4), Hogrefe Verlag, S. 159 - 169, DOI 10.1026/1617-6391.4.4.159, ISSN 16176391

Haselton, Martie; Buss, David; Oubaid, Victor; Angleitner, Alois (2005): Sex, lies, and strategic interference. Psychology Bulletin, 31 (1), S. 3 - 23

Höft, S. (2005): Persönlichkeitsfragebogen und/oder Assessment Center? Ein Beispiel aus der Personalauswahl für Luftfahrtberufe zur kombinierten Verwendung unterschiedlicher Diagnoseansätze. In: Sünderhaupt, K.; Stumpf, S.; Höft, S. [Hrsg.]: Assessment Center - von der Auftragsklärung bis zur Qualitätsssicherung, Pabst, S. 243 - 259, ISBN 3899671813

Höft, S.; Lüth, N. (2005): Beobachteung und Bewertung im Assessment Center. Gestaltungsmerkmale eines AC-Beobachtungssystems. In: Sünderhaupt, K.; Stumpf, S.; Höft, S. [Hrsg.]: Assessment Center - von der Auftragsklärung bis zur Qualitätssicherung, Pabst, S. 164 - 180, ISBN 3899671813

Höft, S.; Schuler, H. (2005): Empirische Arbeits- und Anforderungsanalysen: ein
Anwendungsbeispiel mit einem kombinierten aufgaben- verhaltens- und eigenschaftsorientierten Analyseansatz. In: Sünderhaupt, K.; Stumpf, S.; Höft, S.
[Hrsg.]: Assessment Center - von der Auftragsklärung bis zur Qualitätsssicherung, Pabst, S. 72 - 88, ISBN 3899671813

Hörmann, H.-J. (2005): JAR-TEL results: Testing the cultural robustness of NOTECHS method. In: K.-M. Goeters [Hrsg.]: Aviation Psychology: Practice and research, Ashgate, S. 273 - 286, ISBN 0754640175

Mascke, Peter (2005): The acceptance of ab initio selection methods. Edkins, Graham; Nendick, Mike [Hrsg.]: Human Factors and Aerospace Safety, 4 (3),
Ashgate, S. 225 - 232, ISSN 1468-9456-4-3

Oubaid, V. (2005): Qualitätsmanagement nach ISO 9000 in der beruflichen Eignungsdiagnostik. In: Sünderhaupt, K.; Stumpf, S.; Höft, S. [Hrsg.]: Assessment Center - von der Auftragsklärung bis zur Qualitätssicherung, Pabst, S. 389 - 400, ISBN 3899671813

Sünderhaupt, K.; Stumpf, S.; Höft, S. (2005): In: Sünderhaupt, K.; Stumpf, S.;
Höft, S. [Hrsg.]: Assessment Center - von der Auftragsklärung bis zur Qualitätssicherung, Pabst, S. 5 - 445, ISBN 3899671813

Damitz, M.; Eißfeldt, H. (2004): The relevance of general cognitive ability (g) for training success of abinitio air traffic controllers. In: K.-M. Goeters [Hrsg.]: Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research, Ashgate, S. 135 - 140, ISBN

Eißfeldt, H. (2004): Cost saving: the use of biodata to improve selection efficiency in aviation. In: K.-M. Goeters [Hrsg.]: Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research, Ashgate, S. 209 - 217, ISBN 0754640175

Goeters, K.-M. (2004): In: K.-M. Goeters [Hrsg.]: Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research, Ashgate, S. 1 - 380, ISBN 0754640175

Goeters, K.-M. (2004): Validation of CRM training by NOTECHS: Results in PHARE ASI Project. In: K.-M. Goeters [Hrsg.]: Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research, Ashgate, S. 291 - 297, ISBN 0754646175

Goeters, K.-M.; Maschke, P. (2004): Cost benefit analysis of pilot selection: The economic value of psycholigical testing. In: K.-M. Goeters [Hrsg.]: Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research, Ashgate, S. 203 - 208, ISBN 0754640175

Goeters, K.-M.; Maschke, P.; Eißfeldt, H. (2004): Ability requirements in core aviation profession. Job analyses of airline pilots and air traffic controllers. In: K.-M. Goeters [Hrsg.]: Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research, Ashgate, S. 99 - 119, ISBN 0754640175

Höft, S.; Pecena, Y. (2004): Behaviour-oriented evaluation of aviation personnel: An assessment center approach. In: K.-M. Goeters [Hrsg.]: Aviation Psychology. Practice and Research, Ashgate, S. 153 - 170, ISBN 0754640175

Hörmann, H.-J.; Banburry, S.; Dudfield, H.J.; Lodge, M.; Soll, H. (2004): Effects of situation awareness training on flight crew performance. In: Banburry, S.; Tremplay, S. [Hrsg.]: A cognitive approach to situational awareness. Theory and application, Ashgate, S. 213 - 232, ISBN 0754641988

Hörmann, H.-J.; Soll, H. (2004): Training of situation awareness and threat management techniques. In: K.-M. Goeters [Hrsg.]: Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research, Ashgate, S. 231 - 240, ISBN 0754640175

Huelmann, G.; Oubaid, V. (2004): Computer assisted testing (CAT) in aviation psychology. In: K.-M. Goeters [Hrsg.]: Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research, Ashgate, S. 123 - 134, ISBN 0754640175

Johannes, B.; Salnitski, V.P. (2004): Integration of different autonomic measures into common indicators of "Psychological Costs". In: K.-M. Goeters [Hrsg.]: Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research, Ashgate, S. 327 - 342, ISBN

Maschke, P. (2004): Personality evaluation of applicants in aviation. In: K.-M. Goeters [Hrsg.]: Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research, Ashgate, S. 141 - 152, ISBN 0754640175 

Maschke, P. (2004): The acceptance of ab initio pilot selection methods. Human Factors and Aerospace Safety, 4 (3), S. 225 - 232

Maschke, P.; Goeters, K.-M. (2004): Ab-initio flight training and airline pilot performance: Differences in job requirements. In: Edkins, G.; Pfister, P. [Hrsg.]: Innovation and Consilidation in Aviation, Ashgate, S. 179 - 195, ISBN 0754619990

Schuler, H.; Höft, S. (2004): Berufseignungsdiagnostik und Personalauswahl. In: Schuler, H. [Hrsg.]: Organisationspsychologie - Grundlagen und Personalpsychologie, Enzyklopädie der Psychologie Serie III Wirtschaft-, Organistions- und Arbeitspsychologie, 3, Hogrefe, S. 439 - 532, ISBN 3801705692

Schuler, H.; Höft, S. (2004): Berufseignungsdiagnostik und Personalauswahl. In: Schuler, H. [Hrsg.]: Lehrbuch Organisationspsychologie, Huber, S. 289 - 343, ISBN 3456840195

Schuler, H.; Höft, S. (2004): Diagnose beruflicher Eignung und Leistung. In: Schuler, H. [Hrsg.]: Lehrbuch Organisationspsychologie, Huber, S. 439 - 532, ISBN 3456840195

Stelling, D. (2004): Psychological requirements and examination guidelines in JAR-FCL 3. In: K.-M. Goeters [Hrsg.]: Aviation Psychology: Practice and
Research, Ashgate, S. 301 - 326, ISBN 0754640175

Damitz, M.; Manzey, D.; Kleinmann, M.; Severin, K. (2003): Assessment center
for pilot selection: Construct and criterion validity and the impact of assessor type. Applied Psychology, 52 (2), S. 193 - 212

Funke, U.; Höft, S.; Meier, J. (2003): Ein firmenspezifisches computergestütztes Potentialanalyseverfahren im Assessment Center einer Landesbank. In: Höft, S.; Wolf, B. [Hrsg.]: Qualitätsstandards für Personalentwicklung in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung, Assessment Center, 4, Windmühlenverlag, S. 130 - 147, ISBN 3922789927

Höft, S. (2003): Rezension der "BPM - Bonner Postkorb-Module" von J. Musch, B. Rahn und W. Lieberei. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- u. Organisationspsychologie, 47 (2), S. 104 - 108

Höft, S. (2003): Rezension des Brickenkamp Handbuchs psychologischer und
pädagogischer Tests. (Buchbesprechung). Zeitschrift für Personalpsychologie, 2
(3), S. 145 - 147 

Höft, S.; Wolf, B. (2003): In: Höft, S.; Wolf, B. [Hrsg.]: Qualitätsstandards
für Personalentwicklung in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung. Wie Konzepte greifen,
Assessment Center, 4, Windmühlenverlag, S. 1 - 171, ISBN 3922789927

Höft, S.; Wolf, B. (2003): Qualitätsstandards für die Personalentwicklung: Eine
Zusammenfassung. In: Höft, S.; Wolf, B. [Hrsg.]: Qualitätsstandards für
Personalentwicklung in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung. Wie Konzepte greifen,
Assessment Center, 4, Windmühlenverlag, S. 148 - 161, ISBN 3922789927

Johannes, B.; Salnitski, V.P.; Polyakov, V.V.; Kirsch, K.A. (2003): Changes in the automatic reactivity pattern to psyhological load under long-term microgravity - twelve men during 6-month spaceflight. Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya
Meditsina, 37 (3), S. 6 - 16

Johannes, B.; Salnitski, V.P.; Thieme, K.; Kirsch, K.A. (2003): Differences in the automatic pattern to psychological load in patiens with hypertension and rheumatic diseases. Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina, 37 (1), S. 28 - 42

Hörmann, H.-J.; Luo, X.-L. (2002): Empirical evaluation of a selection system for chinese student pilots. Space Medicine & Medical Engineering, 15 (1), S. 6 - 11

Oubaid, V. (2001): Independent measurement of emotional and sexual jealousy: A comparison of studentical and non-studentical samples. In: Riemann, R.; Spinath, F.M.; Ostendorf, F. [Hrsg.]: Personality and temperament: Genetics, evolution, and structure, Pabst Scientific Publisher, S. 2 - 18

Stelling, D. (2001): DCT - Dyadic Co-operation Test. In: Sarges, W.; Wottawa, H. [Hrsg.]: Handbuch wirtschaftspsychologischer Testverfahren, Pabst Science Publisher, S. 197 - 199, ISBN 3935357559

Manzey, D. (2000): Impairments of manual tracking performance during spaceflight: more converging evidence from a 20-day space mission. Ergonomics, 43 (5), S. 589 - 609

Eißfeldt, H.,  Heil, M. C. & Broach, D. (2002), Staffing the ATM system - the selection of air traffic controllers. Aldershot: Ashgate

Steininger, K, Fichtbauer, S. & Goeters, K.-M. (1995), Personalentwicklung für komplexe Mensch-Maschine-Systeme. Weinheim: Beltz, Psychologie Verlags Union

Höft, Stefan (2001), Grundlagen einer persönlichkeitsorientierten Berufseignungsdiagnostik: Verhaltens- und berufsbezogene Aspekte des Fünf-Faktoren-Modells der Persönlichkeit. Berlin: Dissertation.de

Stelling, D. (1999), Teamarbeit in Mensch-Maschine-Systemen. Lehr- und Forschungstexte Psychologie, Göttingen: Hogrefe

Goeters, K.-M. (Ed.) (1998), Aviation Psychology: A science and a Profession. Aldershot: Ashgate













Last modification 29.01.2008 (Rh)